Physiotherapy is a clinically and cost effective at keeping people at work or helping workers return quickly after sickness absence.
The Frost-Black report, a government sponsored review of avoidable sickness absence at work, promotes the idea of early access to occupational health, this includes specialist physiotherapy services. Building on previous independent reports,(2,3) the Frost-Black review discusses the human cost of worklessness and how the cost of ill health for employers in the public and private sector can be addressed.
combination of work-focused healthcare, timely advice and an accommodating workplace is recognised as offering the best prospect of sustainable return to work. Occupational health physiotherapy is recognised as having a key role in this process.
Employers have a legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and must do whatever is ‘reasonably practicable’ to achieve this. Occupational health physiotherapists improve the safety, comfort and performance of the working population to reduce accidents and sickness absence. This helps employee productivity and performance. There are signifi cant benefi ts to both employers and employees. Occupational health physiotherapists treat the main conditions aff ecting sickness absence
including musculoskeletal disorders, mental health and individuals who have undergone surgery. Physiotherapists work within a strong clinical evidence base that is linked to measureable outcomes. They support self management of common and complex health conditions and promote independence whilst considering all aspects of the patient’s life.
The benefits of work
Evidence shows that ‘good work’ is good for health. For most people, including those with long term conditions, health can actually be improved by being in work. Occupational health physiotherapists have a role in proactively promoting health and wellbeing in the work environment. This allows workers to avoid sickness and injury as well as the potential secondary health consequences of sickness absence or even unemployment.
Work is good for the health of the working population, yet sickness absence due to common health related conditions remains signifi cantly high in the UK. This cost burden to individuals, employers and society can be avoided with rapid intervention. Occupational health physiotherapists are able to provide preventative and reactive services for keeping people at work or helping workers return quickly after sickness absence.